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Divided We Stand

Divided We Stand
New book about the 2020 election.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Trump and Race

Our latest book is Divided We Stand: The 2020 Elections and American Politics. Our next book will look at the 2024 race.  Yesterday, Trump created racial controversy.

Brianna Tucker and Hannah Knowles at WP:
Former president Donald Trump on Wednesday accused Vice President Harris of once hiding Black heritage she has routinely highlighted in her career, escalating his attacks on her racial identity in a combative interview with Black reporters.

Trump drew audible gasps and disbelieving laughter over the roughly 35-minute sit-down session as he berated a Black reporter who pressed him about past offensive comments, falsely claimed that undocumented immigrants were “taking” attendees’ votes, and suggested Harris “was Indian all the way” before “all of a sudden she made a turn” and “became a Black person.”

By the end of the day, Trump had renewed his broadsides, with a social media post that suggested Harris, who is Black and Indian American, had rejected her Black identity because she once described herself as Indian while discussing Indian food.

The attack was especially weird in light of Trump's statements about his own ancestry.

On page 66 of The Art of the Deal, he said that his paternal grandfather came from Sweden, which was a lie.  

On another occasion, he said (at 3:10), "I'm proud to have that German blood ... great stuff."

Referring to his mother's side, he also said: "I feel Scottish."