Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Trump Retweets British Fascist

In  Defying the Oddswe discuss Trump's character.

During the campaign, Trump retweeted neo-Nazis.  He's at it again.

From Haaretz:
U.S. President Donald Trump retweeted three anti-Muslim videos purportedly showing violence by Muslim migrants. The videos were originally posted by Jayda Fransen, the deputy leader of the Britain first movement.
The first retweet was a video titled, "Muslim migrant beating up a Dutch boy on crutches," while the second, "Muslim Destroys a Statue of Virgin Mary!," and the third and most gruesome, "Islamist mob pushes teenage boy off roof and beats him to death!"

Britain first is a far-right ultranationalism group which purports to document Muslim activity across Britain and Europe. The group formed in 2011 as an offshoot of the far-right, fascist party - British National Party. The group's founder Paul Golding is a convicted felon and was reportedly previously a member of the neo-Nazi National Front.