At the high point of their influence many years ago, they [labor unions] supplied the people who worked the phones, stuffed the envelopes and walked the precincts on behalf of the Democrats. In some states, they still were a significant force, but overall, they were on the wane. Between 1983 and 2015, union membership as a share of employed workers plunged by almost half, from 20.1 percent to 11.1 percent. Not coincidentally, the drop-off was steepest in five industrial states that voted Republican in the 2016 presidential racePercentage Change in Union Density, Selected States, 1983-2015
1983 2015 Change
Wisconsin 24.2 08.4 -15.8
Michigan 30.8 15.3 -15.5
Indiana 25.2 10.1 -15.1
Pennsylvania 27.7 13.4 -14.3
Ohio 25.3 12.4 -12.9
Source: Barry T. Hirsch and David A. Macpherson, “State Union Membership Density 1964-2015,”; Barry T. Hirsch, David A. Macpherson, and Wayne G. Vroman, “Estimates of Union Density by State,” Monthly Labor Review 124, No. 7, July 2001,