Monday, October 26, 2015

Tea and Anger

Karlyn Bowman writes at AEI:
Alongside the disapproval of both parties, discontent inside the GOP has been mounting as well. Only 26 percent of Republicans in a new Quinnipiac poll of registered voters approved of the way Republicans in Congress were handling their jobs (59 percent of Democrats approved of the way the way Democrats were handling theirs). In a May Pew poll, just 37 percent of Republicans felt the Republicans in Congress were keeping their campaign promises; 65 percent said they weren’t. In a YouGov online poll, only 27 percent of those who identified with or leaned to the GOP felt their party was united, while 53 percent said it was divided. Given Republican dissatisfaction with their party’s performance, it isn’t a surprise that Republicans are voicing stronger support for one-party control of government. Forty percent of them, up from 24 percent last year, said they preferred Congress and the president to be controlled by the same party, while 26 percent preferred different parties and 30 percent said it would make no difference. Gallup speculates that two things have caused the uptick in support for united control: first, the November 2014 GOP victory that put both houses of Congress under their control and, second, the upcoming 2016 election, where they clearly believe they can be more successful with one party control.
Gallup reports:
Americans' support for the Tea Party has dropped to its lowest level since the movement emerged on the national political scene prior to the 2010 midterm elections. Seventeen percent of Americans now consider themselves Tea Party supporters, and a record 54% say they are neither supporters nor opponents.

Almost two-thirds (63%) of conservative Republicans were supporters in the earliest polls. About four in 10 (42%) still support the Tea Party, but the 21-percentage-point drop since the 2010 polls is second only to the plunge in support from Republican leaners (independents who lean toward the GOP). A majority (52%) of GOP leaners, a key source for Republican votes, were supporters in the 2010 polls, but a 29-point drop has left only 23% still supporting the movement.