Crossroads GPS is on the air in California.
Against Ami Bera:
Against Scott Peters:
KGTV reports on the candidates' reactions in CA-52
"That's what the Tea Party does," Peters said. "They stand on the outside and throw rocks. That's what these ads do."
DeMaio said he was not the Tea Party's choice to run against Peters. He denied being affiliated with the Tea Party.
The ad was paid for and sponsored by a political action committee run by former president George W. Bush advisor Karl Rove.
Rove's Crossroads GPS is a nonprofit organization with more than $100 million in anonymous funding, according to the group's 2012 tax returns.
"Not only did I not know about this ad, I wish these national groups on both sides would go away," [Carl] Demaio said. "Scott Peters should be called out for his terrible votes undermining the future of Social Security and Medicare but I can do that just fine."