Wednesday, November 6, 2013

American Crossroads, Senate Races, and "You Can Keep It"

From American Crossroads:
A new set of three videos released today by American Crossroads shows how Senators Mark Begich (D-Alaska), Kay Hagan (D-North Carolina) and Mary Landrieu (D-Louisiana) joined with President Obama to lie to the American people about Obamacare – falsely promising folks they could keep their health care plans under Obamacare.
On at least 24 occasions between 2008 and 2013, Obama told Americans some variation of the statement “if you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan” regarding the Obamacare law. This claim was found untrue by NBC News on October 29, 2013. Moreover, it was found that Obama and the White House repeated the claim after finding out it was untrue.
Three new videos launched today by American Crossroads point out that a number of U.S. Senators were complicit in the lie as well:
  • Sen. Begich told his constituents in Alaska: “If you’ve got an insurance plan now, if you like it you can keep it. That’s yours, you can do whatever you want.”
  • Sen. Landrieu told her constituents in Louisiana: “Those individuals who like the coverage who like the coverage they already have will be able to keep their current plan.”
  • Sen. Hagan told her constituents in North Carolina: “People who like their insurance and their doctors can keep them.”
The three videos will be promoted through paid targeted advertising on Facebook and other social media platforms in Alaska, North Carolina and Louisiana.