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Divided We Stand

Divided We Stand
New book about the 2020 election.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Jerry Brown is Losing It

Polls show that California Governor Jerry Brown's tax-increase initiative is losing ground.

On KCBS-TV, Governor Jerry Brown loses his composure:

The station adds:
Gov. Brown also responded to CBS2′s Thursday report, in which he was heard referring to Goldstein as acting “like a thug.”
“I think jumping in your face at the funeral of Mervyn Dymally and only wanting to know about something that’s in his phone…that he forces me to look at while he puts a camera in my face and a microphone….I don’t think that is the civility and the gentility that I expect from the old CBS network,” Brown said.
Goldstein said CBS2 never spoke with the governor at the funeral. The interview with Brown took place two days later in Burbank.
  The Sacramento Bee reports:
Brown kept up his criticism of an $11 million donation from a secretive, out-of-state nonprofit group to a committee opposing Proposition 30 and supporting a controversial campaign finance measure, Proposition 32.
"I don't know where these people are from, because they're hiding, they're wearing masks," Brown said. "Remember the people who liked to run around in hoods because they didn't want people to see who the hell they are?"
Asked later if he was referring to the Ku Klux Klan, Brown said, "No."
"What it is, is that when people do things, sometimes they don't want to be exposed for what they're doing," he said. "I think they ought to unmask themselves, yes, or whatever you want to say, come out of the shadows, or tell me their names."
In 2010, Brown compared his opponent to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels.

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